Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Enjoying The Season!

The decorating is done!  My shopping is almost complete.  I'm enjoying every minute of this wonderful season.

Caitie flies home on Friday, Sean will be home on Monday, and then everything will be right with the world.

Before then, I've got a gazillion things to do.  But I'll still find the time

 to get lots of baking in,
and I'll also find the time

to simply stare at Clyde.  He's growing so fast!

Okay, I feel bad that I cropped Gus out of this picture.  But the light reflecting in his eyes made him look possessed.


  1. Clyde is growing up so fast, but he is just getting sweeter!! Your cookies look delicious! Sending you Christmas Joy! xo Heather

  2. Aw Fran, So glad they'll be home soon for a wonderful family Christmas. Clyde looks like he's fitting in quite well! What the heck are you feeding him, he's gotten huge, LOL! (Poor Gus, I get that on Doyle's photos sometimes.)

    Yum, plese pass me a cookie!


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