Monday, May 9, 2011

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.......

Conjures up thoughts of Simon and Garfunkel, doesn't it?

What if the next line were "........ when you use these herbs to season your steaks,
don't forget the garlic and lime."

Well, if they had thought of those lyrics instead, then you would already have the grilled steak recipe that I'm about to give you!

Ahhhh, forgive my terrible songwriting skills/poor attempt at humor/silliness.  I can't help it.

This is just the very quick, easy way I seasoned the last batch of steaks that I grilled.

I used fresh herbs, and the measurements for the herbs are the amounts I used before they were chopped.

Because there's quite a difference between "1/4 cup parsley leaves, chopped" (which means measure first, then chop)  and  "1/4 cup chopped parsley" (which means chop first, then measure). 

So for this recipe, measure first.

Then, chop-chop!

Herb-Seasoned Sirloin Strip Steaks
  • 3 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves
  • 3 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
  • 1/3 cup loosely packed fresh parsley leaves
  • 8 large fresh sage leaves
  • 4 large garlic cloves, crushed
  • zest of 1 lime
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 4 sirloin strip steaks, about 1-inch thick
  • extra virgin olive oil, about 2 tablespoons, for brushing on the steaks
Put all of your herbs in a pile on a cutting board.  Crush the garlic onto the pile, and add the lime zest to the pile.

Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop away.  Add some salt and pepper to your little pile of Scarborough Fair lyrics and continue to chop until it's all chopped into oblivion.

Okay, here is where you notice that not only do I have more than four steaks, but they are also much thinner than 1-inch thick.

I made a snap decision at the supermarket when I thought the thin-sliced steaks looked better than the thick-sliced ones.  I just doubled up on them.  I figured that Mr. Terrific will eat two (and he did), my son would have two (but he abandoned us for a night out with friends), and my daughter, her friend (who was having dinner with us) and I would each have one and there would be an extra one "just in case." 

So we had three left over, no big deal, they will get sliced up and make tasty sandwiches.

Okay, back to our steaks.  Brush them on both sides with the olive oil.  You don't really need a lot of olive oil, just enough to lightly coat the steaks so that the herbs will stick to them.

After you've oiled them, rub the steaks (on both sides) with the herb mixture.  You will probably use about a teaspoon, give or take, of the herb mixture on each steak.

Heat your grill to medium-high.  I just let the steaks sit for a bit while the grill heats up.

I prepared a salad while I waited for the grill to heat up.

And then I decided some sauteed mushrooms and onions would be awesome on top of the steaks.

I heated up a pan on medium-high heat and melted a tablespoon of butter.

I sliced up a couple of onions and added them to the pan and then remembered that I needed to take pictures for you.

So I took pictures of the mushrooms, instead.

Two portabello mushroom caps, sliced thinly.....

....then added to the pan with the butter and onions.  You can use any type of mushrooms you like.  I've never met a mushroom I didn't like.

Went and placed my steaks on the grill.  These thin steaks will only need about 2 or 3 minutes on each side and they will be done.

If you are cooking thicker steaks, give them about 5 minutes on each side.

Keep stirring the mushrooms and onions.

After four or five minutes, they will be ready.  Have a little chuckle picturing Mr. Terrific trying to scoop up a spoonful that only has onions (he doesn't like mushrooms).

If you were me, you would wish that you had spent more time preparing better side dishes because your salad and a slab of Italian bread look pretty pathetic next to your yummy steak smothered in onions and mushrooms.


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